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Канцеларија за јавне набавке 5 News 5 Invitation to online conference: Public Procurement Forum

Invitation to online conference: Public Procurement Forum


The Public Procurement Office of the Republic of Serbia, supported by the Project “Support to Further Strengthening of the Public Procurement System in Serbia” is organising the fourth Public Procurement Forum: 10 months of implementing the new Public Procurement Law and of the new Public Procurement Portal to be held online, on 27 and 28 May 2021.

The new Public Procurement Law was published in the Republic of Serbia’s Official Gazette no.91/19, of 24 December 2019, and its implementation commenced on 1 July 2020. Also on 1 July 2020, the new Public Procurement Portal  was launched, the work of which was aligned to the new Law’s provisions.

The new Law introduced mandatory communication and data exchange in public procurement procedures via the Public Procurement Portal. The introduction of electronic communication in public procurement is expected to enable contracting authorities with standardisation and automation of public procurement processes, as well as to encourage higher participation of economic operators in public procurement procedures, which enhances competitiveness in the market and achieves higher value for money.

On the first day of the Forum, 27 May 2021, the Public Procurement Office will present the Forum participants its assessment of the Law and Portal implementation from its own aspect. Also, the participants will be addressed by representatives of the National Review Body (the Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures) and present the implementation of the new Law from the aspect of the protection of rights. Besides these institutions, it is important to observe the experience and main challenges faced by contracting authorities and tenderers. Therefore, the representative of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and representative of the centralised procurement body will present their views of the Law and Portal implementation.

On the second day of the Forum, 28 May 2021. The practical aspects of using the Public Procurement Portal will be addressed. The participants will be able to learn about conducting e-auctions on practical examples, as well as to see the solutions to the problems most frequently identified in practice.

We trust that this even for experts on public procurement and all interested parties will present an extremely useful platform for exchange of information, views and opinions regarding the implementation of the Public Procurement Law and the use of the new Public Procurement Portal.

Given the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, observing all the sanitary measures, the Forum will be attended in person by the panelists only, while the interested audience will be able to follow the conference online.

The attendance is free for all interested persons and the draft agenda is provided below.

Please apply through the following link:  no later than 24 May 2021. Following your application, before the beginning of the Forum, you will receive an email with a confirmation link to access the Forum on the days you opted for.

The working language of the Forum is Serbian.