Wednesday, 17.07.2024.
Канцеларија за јавне набавке 5 News 5 The meeting of the Suvervisory Board for Implementation of the Project “The Accountable Public Finance Management Platform“

The meeting of the Suvervisory Board for Implementation of the Project “The Accountable Public Finance Management Platform“


The representative of the Public Procurement Office attended the meeting of the Supervisory Board for Implementation of the Project “The Accountable Public Finance Management Platform“ funded and implemented in Serbia in cooperation with UNDP and SIDA. The Project beneficiaries, State Audit Institution, Ministry of Finance (Tax Administration, Central Harmonisation Unit) and Public Procurement Office presented the Project activities conducted so far and the outputs achieved.

The Public Procurement Office presented the key outputs realised with the Project support in the area of public procurement. Also, it was highlighted that the Office planned to continue with project activities in order to improve the public procurement system.