Wednesday, 17.07.2024.
Канцеларија за јавне набавке 5 News 5 Notification on mandatory data publication in accordance with Article 181 of the Public Procurement Law

Notification on mandatory data publication in accordance with Article 181 of the Public Procurement Law


Article 181 paragraph 3 of the Public Procurement Law (the RS Official Gazette no. 91/19, hereinafter: the Law) stipulates the obligation of contracting authorities to record data of public procurement value and type as referred to in Articles 11– 21 of the Law, separately per each exemption ground, as well as the public procurement referred to in Article 27 paragraph 1 of the Law.

Article 181 paragraph 4 of the Law stipulates consolidation publication of data referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, by contracting authorities, no later than by 31 January for the previous year.

With this regard, we hereby notify you that you are obliged to record the above data for 2022 and publish them by 31 January 2023 at the latest, following the above legal provisions and the Instruction for Publication of Data on the Public Procurement Exempt from Application of the Law, available on the web page of the Public Procurement Portal (accessible via the following link: Godišnji izveštaj o nabavkama – Overview (

We also remind you that Article 236 paragraph 1 point 16 of the Law envisages misdeneanours liability of contracting authority and responsible person for the contracting authority in case of failure to record the data on value and type of public procurement or to publish them before due date on the Public Procurement Portal (Article 181).