Thursday, 06.02.2025.
Канцеларија за јавне набавке 5 News 5 A webinar conducted on “Criteria for quality selection of economic operator and manner of verifying compliance with the requirements”

A webinar conducted on “Criteria for quality selection of economic operator and manner of verifying compliance with the requirements”


On 8 December 2021, the Public Procurement Office, in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, successfully conducted a free webinar for contracting authorities and bidders on the topic of Criteria for quality selection of economic operator and manner of verifying compliance with the requirements.

The webinar participants had an opportunity to get familiar with:
– legal arrangements in the Public Procurement Law (“The RS Official Gazette“, no. 91/19, hereinafter: PPL) for defining the quality selection criteria for economic operators,
– preparation of tendering documentation via the Public Procurement Portal with specific examples of quality selection criteria for economic operators,
– tender submission and completion of the declaration on compliance with the quality selection criteria for economic operators on the Public Procurement Portal and

– monitoring the PPL implementation in the part relative to the quality selection criteria for economic criteria.

The webinar was accessed by 150 participants.